Monday, 4 June 2012


Much has been written about affirmations over the years, but do we really understand just how beneficial they can be and how best to implement them?

Why not write a positive affirmation for each of the five most important areas of your life. Typically, this may be health, work/finances, family, love/relationships and a particular cherished dream.

Jack Canfield, co-author of the ‘Chicken Soup For The Soul’ series of books, identifies these guidelines when framing your affirmations :

  • Start with an “I am” to bring the statement into the present tense.
    • Make a positive statement.
      • Use an action verb.
        • Keep the statement brief and concise.
          • Include at least one ‘feeling’ word that reflects the emotion of having achieved the goal.
          • Say your affirmations out loud, with real feeling and emotion, at least once a day for a month. You will feel what it is like to experience the outcome you want as if it is already achieved. Your affirmations are made for yourself - not others.
            What is known as the reticular activating system of your brain is a remarkable ally, filtering out what you don’t need, while letting in the avenues of information and resources - ideas, appropriate people, inspiration - that will bring about the realisation of your goals.

            You owe it to yourself to make this commitment for a month and look at the progress you will make. What have you got to lose?


            1. Thanks for that! I have just thrown all the tired looking 'post it' notes clinging to my computer screen in the bin and replaced it with one positive affirmation. Feeling better already...


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